Home News Israel El Al planes take off with 17 tons of equipment for Israeli field hospital in Ukraine

El Al planes take off with 17 tons of equipment for Israeli field hospital in Ukraine

El Al planes take off with 17 tons of equipment for Israeli field hospital in Ukraine
Tons of equipment for a field hospital in Ukraine is loaded onto an El Al plane, March 17, 2022. Credit: Sivan Shahor, Anava / GPO.

Approximately $6.5 million is being invested in establishing the hospital, which is expected to treat around 100 patients per day.

 Israeli cargo planes took off for Poland on Thursday carrying 17 tons of equipment for the construction of the country’s “Kochav Meir” (Shining Star) field hospital in western Ukraine.

Earlier this week, a medical delegation left for the area to assess the situation and start preparing the site. Doctors, nurses and other medical professionals from across the Israeli health system will participate in the endeavor.

Approximately 21 million shekels ($6.5 million) is being invested in establishing the facility, which is expected to treat around 100 patients per day. The hospital is to be named after the late Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, who was born in Ukraine.

Medical equipment for the construction of a field hospital in Ukraine is loaded onto an El Al plane, March 17, 2022. Credit: Shivan Shahor, Anava / GPO.

The hospital will provide care to Ukrainian refugees, and will include a delivery room, It will also run a laboratory and X-ray machines. The staff on the ground will be working with Sheba Beyond remote medical center to be able to access the expertise of Israeli doctors overseas.


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