Home News Eruv Update

Eruv Update

Eruv Update

The Jewish Link has just confirmed that the Los Angeles Eruv has modified the path of the Eruv to fix the problems which brought down the eruv last week.

There are still  five or six hours of repairs to which they will be working on this evening. The Eruv will likely be up before Shabbos. Please check The Jewish Link for Further updates.

The eruv always runs short of funds in weeks leading up to Rosh Hashanah. This year we are especially short because of the extraordinary expenses of repairs every week as we coordinate with the freeway construction.  We will need at least an additional 10k to get through the summer and keep the Eruv up.

We are hoping that next year will be easier as several shuls step up their support for the eruv and the community it serves.

You can make donations with paypal or credit cards through the website www.laeruv.com  or send checks to

*Los Angeles Community Eruv*
P.O. Box 351360
Los Angeles, CA 90035

For more info please visit www.laeruv.com







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