Home News Israel Gideon Sa’ar quits Likud in bid to unseat Netanyahu as Prime Minister

Gideon Sa’ar quits Likud in bid to unseat Netanyahu as Prime Minister

Gideon Sa’ar quits Likud in bid to unseat Netanyahu as Prime Minister

‘I can no longer support the Netanyahu-led government and be a member of Likud’

Member of Knesset (Israel Parliament) Gideon Sa’ar said on Tuesday that he is quitting the Likud party to form his own political faction in a bid to unseat current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Sa’ar, who is popular among right-wing voters, announced his decision during a press conference Tuesday evening.

“Likud has changed its character dramatically in recent years,” he said. “I can no longer support the Netanyahu-led government and be a member of Likud. Today Israel needs unity and stability —- Netanyahu cannot offer either. Replacing Netanyahu is the order of the hour.”

He went on to accuse his party of becoming a “cult of personality” around Netanyahu, adding that he is also resigning from the Knesset as a lawmaker.

According to The Times of Israel, Sa’ar will look to join forces with rebel Blue and White lawmakers Zvi Hauser and Yoaz Hendel, who broke away from the political alliance earlier this year to form the Derech Eretz party.

It was later reported that Sa’ar’s new political faction will be called the New Hope party.

Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman told Israeli media earlier in the day of Sa’ar’s intentions and will also lead a number of Likud lawmakers into the new party.

Source: i24News


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