Home News Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner

Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner

Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner
An unexpected, yet majestic guest. (Photo: Chris Taylor).

A local lion from the Kruger national reserve in South Africa
surprised a picnic party by taking a seat at one of the tables.

The guests had been hoping to get close to local lions – though likely not that close …

And they certainly didn’t expect one of them to join them at the table at sunset.

His Majesty, probably attracted by the aroma of cured beef, ambled into the party as staff were setting up the buffet, causing stunned guests to retreat to the safety of their vehicles. He nosed around for a few minutes but did not partake of any items at the party, leaving shortly afterwards.

After an expert lion tracker concluded that it was safe to continue dinner as the lion
would not be returning, guests ventured back and resumed the proceedings.

Safari guide Chris Taylor snapped a number of pictures of the lion and said that the guests were “very lucky to see such a rare sight coming so close to them.”

They were probably very lucky for other reasons, too.



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