Home News New York Guggenheim Museum Sends The Jewish Link A Correction

Guggenheim Museum Sends The Jewish Link A Correction

Guggenheim Museum Sends The Jewish Link A Correction

On August 12, 2014 – The Jewish link reported an press release from the ZOA.org Praising the Guggenheim Museum for Canceling Anti-Semitic, Pro-Terrorist “Klinghoffer” Opera Performance- Full article can be seen here. 


Apparently for the Guggenheim Museum the article seemed to present that the opera was cancelled due to the Anti Semetic views. This seems to be an issue for the museum as The Jewish Link was sent the following Email this morning.

Dear Jewish Link Editor and/or Publisher:

I am writing to correct information inaccurately reported in your post dated August 12, 2014 and titled
Guggenheim Museum Cancels Anti-Semitic, Pro-Terrorist “Klinghoffer” Opera.

The Works & Process senior leadership cancelled the program, which is hosted by the Guggenheim
Museum, solely because of a change in the composer’s schedule which made him unavailable.  No other factors
influenced the decision to cancel this program.  Both Works & Process and the Guggenheim Foundation
embrace artistic expression representing all perspectives and points of view.

I ask that you print this note or otherwise clarify the misinformation on your web site.

Thank you,

Eleanor R Goldhar

Deputy Director and Chief of Global Communications
Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation

The Jewish Link  Responded:


Dear Eleanor,

I would like to be clear for the record.

From the response in your email it seems you would like to make clear that you have no issues with the Klinghoffeer Opera or Anti-Semetic views so long as it is in form of  “artistic expression?”
I look forward to your response.



Eleanor R Goldhar, Deputy Director and Chief of Global Communications was unwilling to clarify their position regarding Anti-Semitic views &  artistic expression:


You have our exact statement. We have no other comment and no other interpretation is appropriate or necessary. I hope you will respectfully honor our request to use the comment I have provided to correct the misinformation in your original copy.





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