Home News Los Angeles Hate Crime in LA: Jewish Child Punched on Melrose Avenue

Hate Crime in LA: Jewish Child Punched on Melrose Avenue

Hate Crime in LA: Jewish Child Punched on Melrose Avenue
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After assailant is arrested, another man comes to his defense and threatens to kill the boy’s entire family.

A man was arrested in Los Angeles on Tuesday for an incident where he allegedly punched a Jewish child in the face while he was playing with his friends on Melrose Avenue.

Los Angeles-based Jewish journalist and activist Eve Barlow tweeted, “A man punched a visibly Jewish child in the face while he was playing on scooters with his friends. A friend of mine confronted him before he was arrested and another man came to the guy’s defense and said he wanted to kill the boy’s entire Jewish family.”

Barlow added, This is not normal. The regularity of these types of attacks is not normal. In broad daylight.”



Writing on Facebook, Los Angeles City Council candidate Sam Yebri echoed Barlow’s statement that there is a real danger that anti-Semitic incidents will become the “new normal” in Los Angeles.

“Today, on Melrose Ave (a few blocks from my own LA City Council campaign event tonight), an Orthodox Jewish child was punched in the face … in the streets of Los Angeles … in broad daylight. Another unhinged person then walked by, defended the attacker, and threatened to ‘kill the kid’s entire family.’ This is not OK, cannot become the new normal in our city, and must end now,” he wrote.

He posted two photos. The second photos shows the LAPD arresting the alleged assailant.

Yerbi thanked the LAPID for their rapid response.

Israeli actress Noa Tishby expressed outrage at the incident.

“Another antisemitic attack in Los Angeles. This time on a CHILD. THIS IS HAPPENING ALL THE TIME. Where is the outrage? Where are all the social justice keyboard warriors? Why is it that all we hear are crickets?” she tweeted.


Source: Arutz Sheva


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