Home News Denver HORRIFIC TRAGEDY: Crime Spree Ends With Yeshiva Bochur Shot And Killed In Front Of Denver Yeshiva

HORRIFIC TRAGEDY: Crime Spree Ends With Yeshiva Bochur Shot And Killed In Front Of Denver Yeshiva

HORRIFIC TRAGEDY: Crime Spree Ends With Yeshiva Bochur Shot And Killed In Front Of Denver Yeshiva
HaBochur Shmuel (Shmuli) Silverberg Z”L

A Yeshiva Bochur was R”L shot and killed in front of the Denver Yeshiva, YWN has learned.

Police say the horrific incident unfolded early Wednesday morning, in front of Yeshiva Toras Chaim, located at 1555 Stuart Street in Denver.

Sources tell YWN that a vehicle drove up and opened fire. The vehicle immediately fled the area. The boy was rushed to a local hospital where he was R”L Niftar.

The victim has been identified as HaBochur Shmuel (Shmuli) Silverberg Z”L (son of Reb Mordechai) from Cleveland. He was 19 years old.

Misaskim was notified in middle of the night, and was working with the authorities and the family.

The Levaya and Kevura will be held in Lakewood, NJ.

The Denver Police Department is searching for three vehicles connected to the shooting which Detectives say was a deadly crime spree.

The crime spree started near Colfax Ave. and Grape St. at 10:50 p.m. with a car jacking. No injuries were reported.

Next, a shooting and car jacking took place in the 1500 block of Lafayette St around 11 p.m. One person was critically injured.

The crime spree ended with the fatal shooting of the Yeshiva Bochur at 11:30PM.

Police are looking for three vehicles connected to the crime spree.

  • 2018 maroon Honda CRV, Colorado License Plate: CGOW44
  • 2020 dark blue Toyota Camry, Colorado License Plate: AGNZ29
  • 1998 black Toyota Rav 4, Colorado License Plate: QFO701

Source: The Yeshiva World


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