Home News Israel IDF Responds to Rocket Attack in Golan Heights

IDF Responds to Rocket Attack in Golan Heights

IDF Responds to Rocket Attack in Golan Heights
Remains of Rockets and Mortars fired on Sderot from Gaza during the summer of 2014 Remains of Rockets and Mortars fired on Sderot from Gaza during the summer of 2014 kept in the Police Station of Sderot

IDF Responds to Rocket Attack in Golan Heights

Written by Andrew Friedman/TPS on November 09, 2016

IDF forces attacked a Syrian artillery battery on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights Wednesday afternoon in response to a missile strike on the Israeli side of the area earlier in the day.

No injuries or property damage were reported in the initial attack, but the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said the army would “not tolerate any attempt to violate Israel’s sovereignty or the security of Israeli citizens.

“The IDF holds the Syrian regime responsible for everything that happens in Syrian territory,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said in a statement.


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