Home All Things Web IDF Soldier Dies Of Wounds Sustained During Search For Terrorist Suspects

IDF Soldier Dies Of Wounds Sustained During Search For Terrorist Suspects

IDF Soldier Dies Of Wounds Sustained During Search For Terrorist Suspects
Family and friends attend the funeral of Israeli soldier Ronen Lubarsky, who was critically injured during an operation in the West Bank and later died from his wounds, at the Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem, on May 27, 2018. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

IDF Soldier Dies Of Wounds Sustained During Search For Terrorist Suspects

Written by TPS on May 26, 2018

Sergeant Ronen Lubarsky, the IDF soldier who sustained critical injuries during a search and arrest operation in the Al-Ama’ari refugee camp near Ramallah last week, died of his wounds Saturday night.

Lubarsky was hit in the head Thursday by a marble slab throw from the roof of a building in the camp as his Duvdevan commando unit conducted a search for Palestinian terrorists involved in shooting attacks in Judea and Samaria. His assailant escaped after IDF troops did not open fire after failing to identify a suspect.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expressed his condolences to the family and said “security forces would exact justice.”

President Reuven Rivlin said he was “deeply saddened” to receive the news of Lubarsky’s death.

“Last night I was able to talk to his parents and brothers about his condition, and to send prayers for his recovery. Today however, we are greatly pained to send our sympathies as we share in this great tragedy,” Rivlin said.

“At this difficult time, I want to offer strength also to the wonderful fighters and commanders of his unit, the best of our young men, who go out every night on operations which ensure we are able to carry on our day-to-day lives in safety.”



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