Home News In need of a miracle

In need of a miracle

In need of a miracle

Amram is a 65 year old man from Toronto,Ontario with an A blood type who is in serious need for a kidney donation.

It all started with a trip to the hospital to visit his elderly mother.
Amram was hit with a rare infection that killed one of his kidneys and left the other working at only 12%.
After looking for a doner with no luck his wife Rachel decided to go ahead with the testings to be the doner. After months of testings (they were a perfect match) they set a date for the transplant both so excited to start a new life.
On the day of the transplant his wife went into surgery first, but things got messy. The doctor messed up by tugging to hard on her spleen and tearing it, putting her in a life and death situation and leaving the doctor no choice but to remove her spleen.
The transplant never happened.
The doctors promised to prioritize him on the kidney “list” but are now going back on their word and refusing to do so.
Amram is due to start dialysis ASAP but is really fighting for his life due to also having a heart murmur.
Our only hope is to find a kidney for him ourselves.
He’s a father and a grandfather we really need him to still be part of our lives.
Can someone please help?
Please contact Lisa for more information.



  1. dear Lisa,its shalom (charli) a son of hana from beit shean,Israel.
    so was sad to read all this story.I wish your dad will find a donor to hinself.
    What remains for us is to hope and pray here Shabcizch donor as soon as possible. Really hurts us as a family that things happened that way. Greatly hope your father gets better.
    At least you can get a private message to your father’s blood type and other information necessary to find a suitable donor. Maybe we can help a little.
    Please reply

  2. i really feel for all of you. I know your mother as a happy and lively woman who always has a smile on her face(I always loved to be served by her at Kosher city). I am sure your father is an equally nice person as well. Please give me their names so we can daven for them or say tehillim if that’s ok with you? Refuah shlema, Esther Ohana


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