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Introducing: Pini Einhorn!

Introducing: Pini Einhorn!

America, we’d like to introduce you to Pini Einhorn. If you haven’t heard of this incredible singer and musician, now is the time! Pini, already very popular and beloved in Israel, has just released an incredible album. This top of the line production is now available in America, distributed by Nigun Music.

The CD features 11 original songs, composed by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Pomerantz, Eli Klein, Yitzy Berry, Reuven Horowitz, Lipa Schmeltzer and Pini himself. Music production by the superstar duo of Yitzy Berry and Eli Klein. ???This is an album that will bring you immense joy and finding the good in life. This album was a long time in the making, as most journeys are, and Pini invites you to join along in this musical journey with him. As Pini himself writes “Let your ambitions soar! Make the world a better place, make it a world full of live and giving, because that’s why we were created.


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