Home News Media Iran fears that Israeli spy ring is operating within the country: media report

Iran fears that Israeli spy ring is operating within the country: media report

Iran fears that Israeli spy ring is operating within the country: media report
Screenshot: Report of Israel's underground activities in Iran. (i24).

New York Times reported that Israel has an underground network in Iran, and the regime seems powerless against it.

As the shadow war between Iran and Israel appears to be escalating, recent attacks in the Islamic Republic foreshadow an underground network might be active inside Iran, the New York Times reported on Tuesday.

In less than nine months, a man shot dead al-Qaeda’s number two man, Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah, also known as Abu Muhammad al-Masri, on August 7 in Tehran.

In addition, Iran’s chief nuclear scientist – Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was killed on a highway outside of the capital by a highly precise heavy gun that was smuggled into the country in parts, mounted to a car and reportedly controlled by AI.

Meanwhile, two separate mysterious explosions have rocked Iran’s Natanz nuclear plant, hampering the country’s efforts to enrich uranium.

According to the American daily, the series of attacks underscored the apparent ease with which the Israeli intelligence services have managed to penetrate Iranian borders. Their Iranian counterparts are seemingly powerless to prevent such embarrassing events for the regime.

Iranian officials and analysts said the attacks exposed the activities of a network of collaborators in Iran and that Iranian intelligence services failed to find the “moles.”

“The possibility that the Israelis can strike inside the Islamic Republic in such a brazen way is very embarrassing for the Iranians,” said the deputy director of the Middle East and North Africa program at a research institute in London.

Iranian television last Friday reported the suspect’s face in conducting the “sabotage operation” during the Natanz explosion last month.

The US military also reportedly utilized – at least in part – Israeli intelligence during the pursuit and targeted assassination of Quds Force Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

(i24 News).


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