Home News Israel Thanks “Great Friend” Nikki Haley After Surprise Resignation

Israel Thanks “Great Friend” Nikki Haley After Surprise Resignation

Israel Thanks “Great Friend” Nikki Haley After Surprise Resignation

Israel Thanks “Great Friend” Nikki Haley After Surprise Resignation

By TPS • 10 October, 2018

Israeli leaders, lawmakers and diplomats lined up Tuesday to praise the United Nations ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, after she made a surprise announcement that she would step down from the post by the end of the year.

The 46-year-old former South Carolina governor has been a staunch supporter of Israel at the UN, constantly berating the global body for its anti-Israel bias.

“I thank Ambassador Nikki Haley for leading an uncompromising struggle against the hypocrisy at the UN and on behalf of the truth and justice of our country,” said Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

President Reuven Rivlin called an “uncompromising advocate of American policy towards the Middle East and Israel” and said she “tore away the cynical smokescreen that was masking what the United Nations and international organizations were really doing.”

“I thank Ambassador Haley for her courage and for a term of office that will be remembered as a turning point in the relations between the US and international organizations, and the discriminatory stance that these organizations have taken Israel on more than one occasion,” Rivlin said.

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon thanked Haley for “standing with the truth without fear” and for “representing the values common to Israel and the United States.”

“Thank you for your support for the State of Israel, which helped lead to a change in Israel’s status in the UN,” Danon said.

Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid Former Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Oren wrote: “It is with great regret that I heard about the resignation of Ambassador Nikki Haley, who worked for the United States, Israel and the enlightened world against the dark forces of the United Nations. The people of Israel will always appreciate her and wish her success in the future.”

Yesh Atid faction leader Yair Lapid said Haley was a great friend of Israel who “took on the hypocrisy and bias at the UN with conviction and clarity.”

Former Israeli Ambassador to Washington MK Michael Oren said Haley “worked for the United States, Israel and the enlightened world against the dark forces of the United Nations”

Hillel Neuer, executive director of the Geneva-based watchdog UN Watch said “history will record that Ambassador Nikki Haley stood up for truth, fairness and human rights, and that she did so with extraordinary courage, eloquence and grace” and that she had called out “the obsessive singling-out of the Jewish state by the UN’s Human Rights Council and other bodies that have become hijacked by tyrannies.”


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