Home News Britain Israel Wishes Boris Johnson a Mazal Tov on Becoming UK’s Prime Minister

Israel Wishes Boris Johnson a Mazal Tov on Becoming UK’s Prime Minister

Israel Wishes Boris Johnson a Mazal Tov on Becoming UK’s Prime Minister
Photo by Kobi Gideon/GPO on 23 July, 2019

By Arye Green/TPS • 23 July, 2019

Israel congratulated Boris Johnson on Tuesday after he won the Conservative party leadership race to become Britain’s next prime minister.

Johnson beat Jeremy Hunt with a substantial majority, getting 66% of the votes.

Israel’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Israel Katz congratulated Johnson and wished him a “Mazal Tov. ”

“Mazal Tov to Boris Johnson on becoming UK Prime Minister. I look forward to working with Prime Minister Johnson and his team to build on the existing strong relationship between the UK and Israel,” he tweeted.

He also thanked outgoing Prime Minister Teresa May “for the amazing and tireless work that she did to strengthen ties between our two countries.”

“Bilateral trade is up, tourism is up and security cooperation is saving lives. Thank you to a true friend,” he added.

President Reuven Rivlin also congratulated Johnson, tweeting “I am confident that under your leadership the excellent bilateral relations between our two countries will go from strength to strength. I hope to see you back here in Israel soon.”

President Donald Trump congratulated Johnson saying “he will be great!”

Johnson is considered a friend of Israel by many and has been to Israel numerous times in the past. Johnson, former mayor of London, signed the city up to the International Mayors United Against Antisemitism initiative. He has also confronted the anti-Israel BDS movement on several occasions.

As prime minister, Johnson is expected to be hawkish, particularly regarding the recent events in the Persian Gulf and Iran. The Iranian army forces ceased a British tanker only days ago.


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