Home News Israeli-American Nexus Supports Major Anti BDS Bill in California to Boycott Israel’s Boycotters

Israeli-American Nexus Supports Major Anti BDS Bill in California to Boycott Israel’s Boycotters

Israeli-American Nexus Supports Major Anti BDS Bill in California to Boycott Israel’s Boycotters

Israeli-American Nexus Supports Major Anti BDS Bill in California to Boycott Israel’s Boycotters


IAX will work to secure bill’s passage in the coming weeks

nexus_logo_xLos Angeles, CA – Today, the Israeli-American Nexus (IAX) expressed its strong support for the California CombaPng BDS Act of 2016 – which will strengthen existing law to ensure that the State is not doing business with entitieses participating in the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctionsons (BDS) Movement.

The IAX – a 501(c)(4) partner organizaPon of the Israeli-American Council (IAC) – has taken a lead role in developing this legislation with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. In comingweeks, the IAX will mobilize the Israeli-American and Israel-supporting communities across California to build support for the initiative, working with lawmakers in Sacramento to secure this bill’s passage.

“This legislation will be one of the most impactful anti BDS laws in the country. It sends a clear message that California, the world’s seventh largest economy, will not contract with those engaged in economic warfare against Israel, a key U.S. ally and an important partner of the State,” said Shawn Evenhaim, Chairman of the Israeli-American Nexus.

He added, “Legislative efforts like this demonstrate the importance of the IAX, which will make the voices of Israeli-Americans heard by lawmakers on a range of issues at the federal, state, and local level – from fighting Israel’s delegitimization to strengthening the U.S.-Israel alliance to advancing the domestic policy priorities of our community.”

The announcement occurs amid efforts across the country at the federal, state, and local levels to prevent government entities from contracting with and investing in companies that boycott or divest from Israel. Most recently, the IAX assisted officials in Arizona and Colorado in successfully passing counter-BDS legislation. This new initiative in California will support existing state law, which prohibits pensions and trusts from holding investments in any corporate entity adhering to the Arab League Boycott of Israel.

About the Israeli-American Nexus (IAX): The Israeli-American Nexus (IAX) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that advocates to policymakers on behalf of the Israeli-American community. A partner organization of the Israeli-American Council, the IAX works to make the voices of Israeli-Americans heard on a range of issues at the federal, state, and local level.


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