The LA community came together in the Moshe Ganz Hall to beseech Hashem for His Salvation against our cruel, genocidal enemies in Gaza (and around the world, for that matter). After recital of Tehillim, we will hear a stirring address by Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky and Rav Avrohom Ausband, one of the leading Roshei Yeshiva in America today (and, yes, he speaks {a most eloquent} English). In light of the imperative to join with the entire community, we are pre-empting our regular LINK classes tonight (inlcuding the Chumash shiur). May the Av HaRachamon (Father of Compassion) hear our heartfelt tefillos and bring our Final Redemption. Rabbi Eli Stern, LINK Kollel
Video by Reuven Fauman,,