Home News Israel Likud continues to climb in polls, projected to win 32 seats

Likud continues to climb in polls, projected to win 32 seats

Likud continues to climb in polls, projected to win 32 seats

Likud continues to climb in polls, projected to win 32 seats

Channel 10 News poll projects strong showing for PM Netanyahu’s party if general elections were held today, shows Yesh Atid coming in No. 2 with 21 Knesset seats. Poll predicts 13 seats for Joint Arab List compared to 12 for the Zionist Union.

(Israel Hayom / via JNS via JNS) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision on Tuesday to revoke a compromise that would have prevented the mass deportation of illegal African migrants in Israel appears to have benefited his Likud Party.

According to a poll conducted by Channel 10 News, if a general election were held now, the Likud would win 32 Knesset seats – far more than any other party.

The poll predicted 21 seats for the Yesh Atid party, 13 for the Joint Arab List, and only 12 for the Zionist Union.

Habayit Hayehudi was projected to secure 10 seats. Meretz – which just elected MK Tamar Zandberg as party chairwoman – and Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon’s Kulanu Party were predicted to win seven seats each.

The poll showed Yisrael Beytenu, under Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, collecting five seats, the same number projected for United Torah Judaism.

MK Orly Levy-Abekasis’s as-yet unnamed new party and Shas would each win four seats.

Published on Thu, 05 Apr 2018 05:35:06 +0000. 


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