Home News Britain Liz Truss pledges to ‘eradicate the scourge of antisemitism’

Liz Truss pledges to ‘eradicate the scourge of antisemitism’

Liz Truss pledges to ‘eradicate the scourge of antisemitism’
Liz Truss Reuters

Conservative leadership candidate also promises action to ensure Iran does not get nuclear weapon.

British Conservative Party leadership candidate Liz Truss pledged to “eradicate the scourge of antisemitism” in a recent visit to a synagogue near Manchester, England.

She also promised that if she becomes prime minister, she will use ensure Britain does everything possible to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, the Jewish Chronicle reported.

Truss described being “absolutely appalled” by skyrocketing incidents of antisemitism in British schools.

“I want to see the scourge of antisemitism eradicated. That means driving it out from our culture, starting with the schools,” she told the news outlet.

She called the reports of Jewish children frequently being subjected to “gas chamber” hissing and other taunts “particularly disturbing” and called for mandatory policies to be enacted.

“There have to be mandatory policies in place and we need to make sure staff are educated to understand that. On the other hand, the rise of antisemitism isn’t only a problem for schools. We have to eradicate it in our wider society as well,” she said.

She noted she had taken a “strong stand in tackling antisemitism at the international level,” especially at the UN Human Rights council.

“Bodies like the Human Rights Council have been used to peddle a particular agenda which frankly have strong elements of antisemitism,” she said.

“I’ve been very clear with our officials about the positions we take on Israel, and that will continue if I become prime minister.”

She added that “we have to stop Iran getting nuclear weapons. That is very, very clear,” and pledged to work with international allies to do whatever necessary to make sure it doesn’t happen.

“So many Jewish values are Conservative values and British values too, for example seeing the importance of family and always taking steps to protect the family unit; and the value of hard work and self-starting and setting up your own business,” she said.

Earlier in the week, Truss promised in a letter addressed to Conservative Friends of Israel supporters to review moving the UK embassy in Israel to Jerusalem if she becomes prime minister.


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