Home News Israel Millions Allocated for Jerusalem Security Over High Holidays

Millions Allocated for Jerusalem Security Over High Holidays

Millions Allocated for Jerusalem Security Over High Holidays
Tower of David in Jerusalem's Old City near Jaffa Gate. Jerusalem, Aug 4, 2019. Photo by Alexandra Morrison/TPS *** Local Caption *** ùòø éôå - ëðéñä ìòéø äòúé÷ä éøåùìéí. áø÷ò îâãì ãåã çåîåú òöéí
By TPS • 21 August, 2023

Jerusalem, 21 August, 2023 (TPS) — Israel’s Ministry of National Security has allocated $32 million to bolster security in eastern Jerusalem over the upcoming Jewish high holidays, which begin on Friday, Sept. 15, with Rosh Hashanah.

The funds will be used in part to expand the “View to Jerusalem” project, deploying cameras at friction points and main axes in the city.

Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir hailed the move as “another important step in our uncompromising struggle to restore personal security and for Jerusalem, our capital.”

He continued: “We brought in record budgets for the police and the bodies of the ministry, increased standards and salary increases in order to significantly increase police manpower … and we continue to work to strengthen governance and personal security in Jerusalem and in the entire State of Israel.”

The holiday season continues with the Yom Kippur and week-long Sukkot holidays, which bring thousands of tourists and Israelis to the capital and its holy sites.

The week-long Passover holiday in April was marred by security tensions related to the overlapping Islamic holy month of Ramadan, including Palestinians barricading themselves inside the Temple Mount’s Al-Aqsa Mosque.


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