Home News Israel Netanyahu: Gov’t ‘Working Overtime’ to Find Solution for Amona

Netanyahu: Gov’t ‘Working Overtime’ to Find Solution for Amona

Netanyahu: Gov’t ‘Working Overtime’ to Find Solution for Amona

Netanyahu: Gov’t ‘Working Overtime’ to Find Solution for Amona

Written by Andrew Friedman/TPS on December 04, 2016

Prime Minister Netanyahu said on Sunday that government ministers are “working overtime” to prevent a clash with the residents of Amona, but added a demand for coalition members to commit to honoring whatever compromise is ultimately worked out.

“We are working overtime to find a responsible solution to the issue of Amona and for similar cases in the future. We are working to reach a rational solution and I expect all of you, ministers and MKs, to respect it. We must act responsibly and prudently here for a common goal: To defend the settlements, and to defend the court. We are working in both spheres,” Netanyahu said.

Over the weekend, the prime minister instructed the defense ministry to begin preparations for moving Amona to a temporary location on an adjacent hilltop, and again to a permanent location, probably next summer. In exchange for the replacement locations, Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit has proposed that the residents vacate the site on their own.

However, Amona residents stated they remained strongly opposed to Mandelblit’s offer, calling it “nothing more than an eviction by stages.” Residents also said they will physically resist any attempts to remove them from the site.

In a letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu, residents also called the NIS 50 million price tag for moving twice the outpost “idiotic.”

“It is simply moronic for the State of Israel to shell out NIS 50 million for eight months, after which Amona residents will be evicted once again from their homes. It’s an incredible amount of money to spend on a site that is going to be demolished in just another eight months. Isn’t it a shame to spend public money like that?” the residents argued.


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