Home News Germany Netanyahu Tells Merkel, Iran Has Genocidal Designs Against Israel

Netanyahu Tells Merkel, Iran Has Genocidal Designs Against Israel

Netanyahu Tells Merkel, Iran Has Genocidal Designs Against Israel

Netanyahu Tells Merkel, Iran Has Genocidal Designs Against Israel

Written by TPS on June 04, 2018

Iran is seeking nuclear weapons to carry out its genocidal designs against Israel, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Monday in Berlin as he began a three-day European tour aimed at persuading Germany, France and the United Kingdom to agree to tougher measures against Tehran following United States President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action nuclear deal.

“Iran is seeking nuclear weapons to carry out its genocidal designs,” Netanyahu said. “We know that for a fact. We have shared that with the German government, information that we retrieved from a secret atomic archive.”

Netanyahu said the archive had provided a lot of new information that he called on the International Atomic Energy Agency to investigate.

“It is important to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. I commit that I will not let that happen,” Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu added that in addition to its nuclear ambitions, Iran was trying to “conquer the Middle East.”

“It is doing so in Syria, it is doing so in Yemen, and it is doing so in other places,” he said. Iran, Netanyahu added, was trying to entrench ground, air and naval forces in Syria to “Israel’s backdoor with the specific goal of attacking us.”

“We cannot accept that,” Netanyahu said. “Iran should leave Syria, all parts of Syria,” he added.

Merkel said that while Germany and Israel had a difference of opinion on the usefulness and effectiveness of the JCPOA,  the two countries shared the “same goal that Iran must never get a nuclear weapon and the difference between us is how to do that.”



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