Home Featured New Single – Yoni Z with Nissim Black – I Just Wanna Go Home

New Single – Yoni Z with Nissim Black – I Just Wanna Go Home

New Single – Yoni Z with Nissim Black – I Just Wanna Go Home

A new single has been released by Yoni Z with Nissim Black titled, “Home.” The song brings out the Jewish peoples yearning for the Beis Hamikdash and return to Yerushalayim.




Originally Recorded by Yeedle Werdyger
Producers: Yoni ZYisroel Laub
Composers: Ken BurgessYoni Z Nissim Black
Musical Production/Arrangement: Yoni ZYisroel LaubYosef Brown at LittleBox Records
Lyrics: Ken BurgessNissim BlackYoni Z
Mixed and Mastered: Noam Akrabi Studios, Tel Aviv Israel
Additional Vocals: Sruli Zhaloshinsky
Special thanks to Yanky Katina





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