Home News Israel No Way, Joe: Israel Rejects Dangerous Concessions Demanded Before Biden’s Visit

No Way, Joe: Israel Rejects Dangerous Concessions Demanded Before Biden’s Visit

No Way, Joe: Israel Rejects Dangerous Concessions Demanded Before Biden’s Visit
Joe Biden (File).

The U.S. is reportedly trying to force Israel to stop pursuing terrorists
in Palestinian enclaves of Judea and Samaria and halt progress on plans for new Jewish homes in the area.

Ahead of a planned visit from U.S. President Joe Biden in July, the White House is reportedly pressuring Israel to make a series of concessions to the Palestinians.

According to Palestinian sources quoted by the Times of Israel, messages were delivered to senior Israeli officials during meetings held by a visiting U.S. delegation. The group also met with Palestinian officials during the past week.

The concessions reportedly pertain to construction plans for the Jewish town of Ma’ale Adumim, a thriving community a few miles east of Jerusalem. The U.S., represented by Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf, wants Israel to cancel a hearing four days after Biden’s trip on construction of over 3,400 new homes for Israelis in Ma’ale Adumim.

The new homes are desperately needed due to a housing crunch in the Jewish state.

Israeli officials reportedly rejected the demand to cancel the hearing.

Even more troubling, Biden administration officials also pressured Israel to stop carrying out security operations in Palestinian towns.

The IDF conducts the raids to capture terror suspects and apprehend those planning to harm Israeli civilians.

Due to a brutal Palestinian terror wave that robbed 19 Israelis of their lives during the past few months, the IDF has been forced to ramp up such security operations in Judea and Samaria.

“Israeli ministers meeting Leaf declined to commit to ease military operations in [Judea and Samaria], saying they are launched based on security necessity,” reported the Times, citing comments from an Israeli official.

(United with Israel / Times of Israel).


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