Home News Parnassah Network Launches New Business Consulting Center

Parnassah Network Launches New Business Consulting Center

Parnassah Network Launches New Business Consulting Center


Literally on a daily basis, the Parnassah Network office fields calls from individuals across the world who are looking to access the ideal business advice to help them get ahead.

Industries are fast changing and multifaceted, so getting the best guidance is no simple feat. Oftentimes, the most ideal coach or mentor is hard to identify or access, and/or is prohibitively expensive.

In order to answer this call better than ever, Parnassah Network has established its new Business Consulting Center, the first of its kind in our community. The Center builds upon Parnassah Network’s extensive experience in arranging professional coaching and consulting, and makes this service available through a full-fledged, dedicated organization division. The Center services those in every industry and sub-industry, at every stage, from someone looking to start a small business to an executive at a prestigious corporation.

The Center is affiliated with scores of sought-after coaches and consultants across the country. Through Parnassah Network, they are all able to accommodate members of our community from anywhere at an affordable rate, despite their elite status and busy schedules.  Coaching sessions are given by telephone, so that members of our community from around the world can be serviced by the perfect coach, wherever he or she may be.

The Center’s staff includes a certified social worker and other professionals who understand not only the nuances of each profession and business industry, but also the unique needs of each individual who is seeking guidance. Applicants fill out a detailed questionnaire explaining their situation and consulting needs. Coaching is then facilitated with the most ideal coach, launching a relationship that makes a marked positive difference in the coachee’s future business prospects.

“I have seen firsthand many times how professional guidance and support helped members of our community support their families with dignity,” says director Reb Duvi Honig. “Parnassah Network is proud to offer our entire community this resource in the most accessible and professional manner.”

For more information or to request a coach, please visit www.parnassahcoach.com



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