Home News Israel PLO Suspends Recognition Of Israel

PLO Suspends Recognition Of Israel

PLO Suspends Recognition Of Israel

The PLO Central Council decided yesterday to suspend recognition of the State of Israel until Israel recognizes the “state of Palestine” on the June 6, 1967 border with its capital in eastern Yerushalayim.

At the end of a meeting in Ramallah, the PLO Central Council (PCC) issued a statement saying that the “state of Palestine” alone has sovereignty over Palestinian land and that “the presence of the occupation, its army and settlers on Palestinian land is an illegal presence that must be stopped immediately.”

“The council also decided to halt all forms of security coordination” with Israel, said the statement read out by Azzam al-Ahmad, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)’s Executive Committee.

The PCC also called on the US administration to meet its commitments towards implementing the two-state formula and halting Israel’s settlement-building activities and the “forced eviction” of Palestinian families from their homes.

The PPC meetings were boycotted by a number of Palestinian factions on the ground that the meetings were held in the absence of national consensus.

The PCC is a smaller assembly emanating from the National Council, the highest legislative body for Palestinians at home and abroad, and is affiliated with the PLO. Notably, the PLO does not include the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror groups.

{Matzav.com Israel}


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