Home News Satellite Images Show ‘Completely Destroyed’ Iranian Rocket Storage Site Near Syrian Capital After Reported Israeli Strikes

Satellite Images Show ‘Completely Destroyed’ Iranian Rocket Storage Site Near Syrian Capital After Reported Israeli Strikes

Satellite Images Show ‘Completely Destroyed’ Iranian Rocket Storage Site Near Syrian Capital After Reported Israeli Strikes

Satellite Images Show ‘Completely Destroyed’ Iranian Rocket Storage Site Near Syrian Capital After Reported Israeli Strikes




Satellite images published on Thursday show the damage caused by reported Israeli air strikes in Syria earlier this week.

The photos — taken by ImageSat International (ISI) — reveal what is described as a “completely destroyed” Iranian Fajr-5 rocket storage facility, located on Syrian military base west of Damascus.

Russia on Wednesday accused Israel of committing a “gross violation” of Syria’s sovereignty.

Speaking at a graduation ceremony for new air force pilots on Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “We are not prepared to accept the Iranian military entrenchment in Syria which is directed against us. We will act against it vigorously and continuously, including during the current period.”

The Associated Press reported later on Wednesday that an Israeli security official had confirmed the IDF’s responsibility for the previous night’s strikes in Syria, saying a “series of targets” linked to Iranian arms transfers to Hezbollah had been hit.

In recent years, Israel has conducted numerous strikes in Syria to prevent the delivery of advanced Iranian weaponry to Hezbollah.

The Algemeiner   (c) 2018 .       



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