Home News Israel Several Hurt In Ofra Shooting

Several Hurt In Ofra Shooting

Several Hurt In Ofra Shooting
Photo by Noa Ori/TPS on 9 December, 2018

Several Hurt In Ofra Shooting



By TPS • 9 December, 2018

21:45 Five people were hurt in a drive-by shooting near Ofra Junction between Jerusalem and Nablus at around 9:15 p.m. Sunday night. A pregnant woman was seriously hurt in the incident.

21:55 A spokesman for the Magen David Adom Ambulance service said a gunman opened fire from a passing vehicle at a group of people standing near the entrance to Ofra.

22:12 Video released from a surveillance camera shows shots being fired from a car driving past a bus stop at the Ofra Junction.

22:20 An IDF spokesman said troops opened fire at the car from which shots were fired. The spokesman said the car got away and the IDF was conducting a search operation.

22:25 The number of people hurt in the incident has been updated to six.

22:28 “We heard shots and immediately rushed out in the direction with the intensive care unit [ambulance]. We went out towards the road and noticed a 21-year-old woman lying on the pavement, fully conscious when she was in the ambulance,” said Bentzi Glick, a Magen David Adom ambulance service medic.

“A young man of about 21 was sitting on the sidewalk, fully conscious, with several wounds to his lower body. We gave them life saving treatment and took them to the intensive care unit and evacuated them to the hospital while continuing medical treatment, including stopping the bleeding, giving fluids and medication, and the woman was in a stable condition. Those who suffered gunshot wounds were fully conscious. ”

Magen David Adom paramedic Shalom Galil said: “Two girls, aged 16-years-old were fully conscious and suffered from injuries to their limbs, they received first-aid from us on the ground, and we evacuated them to the hospital.”

23:10 A Magen David Adom ambulance service spokesperson said a total of seven people had been injured in the incident: one seriously injured, two suffering from moderate wounds, and three lightly injured.

23:53 Doctors have delivered the baby of 21-year-old woman who is in critical condition, following the shooting attack. She remains in stable but critical condition. She was in her 30th week of pregnancy. The baby has been transferred to the Neonatal ICU.  Her husband, also 21, was moderately wounded

23:55  IDF forces enter the villages of Silwad and Ein Yabrud, which are close to Ramallah in search of terrorists who committed the shooting attack.




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