![SHOCKER: Spirit Airlines Lies Through Their Teeth In Pathetic Statement Defending Actions Today [UPDATED] SHOCKER: Spirit Airlines Lies Through Their Teeth In Pathetic Statement Defending Actions Today [UPDATED]](https://s6064.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/spirit-768x512.jpg)
In defense of their actions in Orlando, Florida on Monday, Spirit Airlines just released one of the most dishonest statements they could have possibly made.
As YWN published earlier, an Orthodox Jewish couple and their two children, one of them a special needs 7-year-old child, were thrown off a flight because their two-year-old child was not wearing a mask while eating a yogurt as she sat on her mothers lap.
The entire episode is well documented on viral videos where the flight attendant tells the parents “non compliance, and you need to get off.”
“But we are wearing masks!”, the parents tell the flight attendant, to which she replies “she’s not wearing a mask” – as she points to the innocent toddler eating her yogurt.
But now, Spirit Airlines calls media reports such as YWN – “incorrect information”.
The statement says that the flight was delayed “due to the adults in a party not complying with the federal mask mandate”.
Did Spirit Airlines bother watching the footage of the flight attendant pointing to the toddler and clearly stating “she is not wearing a mask?”
So who is getting fired at Spirit Airlines today?
The flight attendant who was not allowed back on the plane, despite everyone – including the family who was kicked off – back onboard? Or the person who drafted and published this blatantly false statement on Twitter?
Minutes after our article was published,
Spirit Airlines deleted their tweet.
YWN has published quite a few articles about Spirit Airlines.
Multiple Orthodox Jews told YWN they were banned from the airline for no reason at all. No reason was ever given by the airline.
But the couple today is in good company.
Just two weeks ago, YWN published a story about Spirit Airlines which threw a 4-year-old autistic child WITH A DOCTORS NOTE off a flight for “no mask”. The child had a “medical note from his physician stating that he’s exempt from wearing masks because whenever he wears a mask he holds his breath or he starts freaking out and he will harm himself.”
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)