Home Community Events Los Angeles Shots Fired at LA Chabad School

Shots Fired at LA Chabad School

Shots Fired at LA Chabad School

Shots Fired at LA Chabad School

suspicious individual was shot at a Chabad girls high school in Los Angeles on Thursday afternoon.

A security guard observed the man canvassing the outside of Ohel Chana High School, located inside Etz Jacob Congregation at 7659 Beverly Blvd, at around 1:00PM.

When the suspect was confronted, he become belligerent and was shot in the leg. The suspect is in stable condition.

The school was placed on lockdown.

In a letter to parents, the school wrote:

“We want to inform you about an incident that took place at the school this afternoon.

An individual was canvassing the outside of the school building. When he was confronted by our school security guard. After becoming belligerent, the security guard did shoot him in the leg (he is not critically injured).

We are happy to inform you that absolutely no students were hurt or in danger at any time during this period.

As a precautionary measure, the school building was put on lockdown and will continue to be on lockdown until further notice that all has been cleared by the police.

The students are currently being given extra time to relax before going into class. We davened an early mincha and will keep posted.

Thank you for your understanding.”

Hours later the school sent our a letter announcing the all clear.

“Dear OCHS Parents,
B’H as of this email all is clear as per the LAPD and we are no longer in a Lockdown status.
The front entrance is accessible and dismissal will be at the regular time.
May Hashem continue to bless us with revealed goodness in all realms of life and may we merit the coming of Moshiach speedily!
Thank you & best wishes for a beautiful Shabbos,
~ Rabbi Mendel Goldman & Mrs. Farkash”
Followed by an early dissmisal
Dear OCHS Parents,
Due to today’s incident, we see it would be in the students’ best interest to dismiss them before the last period today at 3:15pm.  
We hope that they will be able to share their experience and debrief with you so they can reach a place of inner serenity and bitachon.
We will take all necessary steps with LAPD and our Security Company for extra vigilance Bez’H.
Thank you for your support!


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