Home News Israel Sola-Darity! Honoring the Jews of Southern Israel

Sola-Darity! Honoring the Jews of Southern Israel

Sola-Darity! Honoring the Jews of Southern Israel

We all instinctively know the truth that’s written in the Torah, that everything in this world is very much connected to what is inside of us, and vice versa.  It is no wonder, then, that we are all so deeply moved by what is happening to our fellow Jews in Israel.  With the coming of Rosh Hashanah, we as individuals are faced with the challenge of strengthening our true selves, while our people as a whole are faced with the challenge of strengthening our physical borders and increasing our support of those in need.

A group of congregation members at Chabad of Sola recently returned from a trip to the South of Israel, where they spent time with the mothers, sons, families and soldiers that are living their lives on the front lines every day.  According to Rabbi Zajac, the goal of the trip was “to travel as representatives of the entire Chabad of Sola community, and to express a deep sense of connection and a strong desire to help the situation.”  What they experienced in a non-stop three days has become the center of an event in honor of those living under constant fire, and to share their stories which are aimed to inspire more action both within and outside of ourselves.

While raising money is certainly a goal for the event, entitled Sola-Darity!, more importantly, the focus is to inspire action through awareness.  When asked about their experience, one group member shared that “Spending a few hundred dollars in a store brought the shop keeper to tears, and yet what made the biggest impact was how much it meant to them that we knew what they were going through, and for them to feel that embrace.”

As we approach the High Holidays, it is important for us to keep in mind our fellow Jews that are living in the South of Israel.  The courage that they display in the face of daily trauma, particularly those with families, is extraordinary and inspiring.  “I have never been more proud to be a Jew, and to be member of a Chabad of Sola Community that has this kind of initiative,” emphasized Rabbi Zajac.

In the face of large problems, where effort can amount to very little, the normal reaction is often to do nothing.  Rabbi Zajac continued with, “In comparison to the people living there, to the people giving their blood and lives, what we did was insignificant.  It helps to remain humble, but it should never lead to inaction”

 Sola-Darity! will take place on Sunday, September 14th at 8:00PM, at Studio Bancs, a 3,000 sq. foot event space and production studio in Culver City on Gallery Row, 2643 Fairfax Ave., Los Angeles, CA. 90232.  A minimum donation of $18 per person is requested, and what the Chabad of Sola community hopes to share, according to Rabbi Zajac, is, “a reaffirmation of living with Ahavat Yisroel, and the truth that a little act of kindness towards a fellow Jew, even with full knowledge that it won’t resolve the issue, ultimately makes a world of a difference.”  Be sure to Join Chabad of Sola for an uplifting evening of Solidarity with Israel and get ready to bring in a promising New Year.



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