Home News California Student government at UC Irvine repeals BDS resolution

Student government at UC Irvine repeals BDS resolution

Student government at UC Irvine repeals BDS resolution
The law school at the University of California, Irvine. Credit: Mathieu Marquer from Paris via Wikimedia Commons.

“A sustained campaign of harassment and intimidation has been waged against Jewish students and their allies on UCI’s campus with impunity,” read a March 12 resolution.

(April 20, 2020 / JNS) The student government at the University of California, Irvine, has voted to repeal a 2012 resolution that called for the school to divest from firms that conduct business in Israel.

The March 12 resolution passed with 16 votes in favor, six against and two abstentions.

It stated that “anti-Semitism is a universally condemned discriminatory activity that premises itself on ethnic, cultural and economic practices that seek to undermine the legitimacy, life and property of the Jewish people,” and that “a sustained campaign of harassment and intimidation has been waged against Jewish students and their allies on UCI’s campus with impunity.”

The resolution also said that the BDS resolution “has created a noxious campus climate that has fostered the aforementioned campaign of harassment.”

Moreover, its “very title is an Orwellian smear intended to stain indelibly any who would question its true and malicious intent” as the “baseless and bigoted assertion that the State of Israel is apartheid is nothing less than a blood libel.”


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