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I have been reflecting quite a bit lately on the state of the world in general and on the condition of the Jewish community...

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Elie Wiesel honored with President’s Medal

Holocaust survivor accepts Israel's highest civilian award, calling himself honorary Israeli: 'Even though I don't live in Israel, Israel lives within me.' Peres: 'Great...

Benny Friedman to Release Shabbos Album

On the heels of his mega-hit "Yesh Tikva", Benny Friedman was hard at work on a follow-up album of original songs. But a phone conversation...

YBC Soloists to Sing at CityWalk

Eli Gerstner and the YBC soloists will headline Chabad of the Valley’s 12th annual Chanukah@Citywalk Concert and celebration. Eli Gerstner and the YBC soloists will headline Chabad...

Mazal Tov to Ronit & Dr. Ira Hofer and the entire family on the birth of a baby girl!

Bennett: One Cannot ‘Occupy’ His Own Homeland

Economy Minister responds to CNN's Christiane Amanpour who asked about Israeli construction in the "occupied West Bank." Economy Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home/Bayit Yehudi) on...

ONLY IN ISRAEL! Israeli hospital treats Ismail Haniyeh’s granddaughter

The Hamas prime minister's one-year-old granddaughter brought to Israel suffering from severe inflammation in her gastrointestinal system and what appeared to be nervous system...
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