Home News Los Angeles Teichman Family Magnolia Park Inauguration

Teichman Family Magnolia Park Inauguration

Teichman Family Magnolia Park Inauguration
Emek Hebrew Academy Teichman Family Torah Center has been around for over 50 years and has over 600 students in attendance. Rabbi Mordechai Shifman, our Head of School, wanted to honor one of the founders of our school by holding an official ceremony to inaugurate the park on which part of Emek is located. In 1995, the deserted land was transformed into the beautiful grounds it is today with some tender love and care and funds provided by the Teichman Family. Tthe area known as “Magnolia Park”, renamed “Teichman Family Magnolia Park” for the Teichman’s dedication to our school. Many dignitaries were in attendance including Congressman Brad Sherman, Assemblyman Adrin Nazarian, many council representatives, members of the US Corps of Army Engineers, the LAPD, Parks and Recreation and a School Board representative as well as members of our board. Our students were all in attendance and enjoyed the speeches given by Rabbi Shifman and the Congressman as well as a performance by our 3rd grade classes under the direction of Mrs. Rachel Seidel. The Teichman Family received a beautiful plaque commemorating the event and the entire event ended with a traditional Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. All in all, it was a great day in Emek’s history and one that will surely be remembered by all those who attended.


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