Speaking at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, on Monday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, ever-interested in appealing to the political Left, stated that Canada would “cap oil and gas sector emissions.”
Trudeau boasted, “Just as globally we’ve agreed to a minimum corporate tax, we must work together to ensure it is no longer free to pollute anywhere in the world. That means establishing a shared minimum standard for pricing pollution.”
“Of course, what’s even better than pricing emissions is ensuring that they don’t happen in the first place, which brings me to my next major commitment: We’ll cap oil and gas sector emissions today and ensure they decrease tomorrow at a pace and scale needed to reach net-zero by 2050. That’s no small task for a major oil- and gas-producing country. It’s a big step that’s absolutely necessary.”
Trudeau also gave a sop to the youth of the world, according to The Hill, gushing, “Over the next two weeks, we must demonstrate how we’ll deliver on the promise of Paris with transparency and accountability to the world’s most vulnerable who need us to act to Indigenous people who can show us the way. To young people marching in our streets in cities around the world — we hear you. It’s true. Your leaders need to do better.”
Richard Masson, an executive fellow at the University of Calgary, said of Trudeau’s Liberal Party planning to cut emissions by 40 to 45 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 and their proposal to require a 75-per-cent cut below 2012 levels on methane emissions by 2030, “There is great concern that the move to a ‘just transition’ is code for shutting down the oil and gas sector, rather than allowing the sector to innovate and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which is what needs to happen to address climate change.”
He opined that if Canada reduced the size of the oil and gas sector while demand for the product was still extant, the policy would only benefit other oil-producing countries.
The Washington Post reported last week of Trudeau’s decision to pick an activist once called “Green Jesus” to be environment and climate change minister:
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a post-election overhaul of his government on Tuesday, naming a former Greenpeace activist dubbed “Green Jesus” as environment and climate change minister in a move that has caused consternation in the country’s oil-rich west.”
“The appointment, just days out from a United Nations climate summit, known as COP26, in Glasgow, Scotland, suggests Trudeau — who had previously offered support for the country’s oil and gas industry while also implementing measures such as a carbon tax — is coming down firmly on the side of climate action.
“Guilbeault, nicknamed the ‘Green Jesus of Montreal’ by Quebec newspaper La Presse, once scaled Toronto’s CN Tower to unveil a banner that denounced Canada and then-President George W. Bush as ‘climate killers,’” The Post added.
(Daily Wire).