Home News Israel Thousands of Palestinians Riot on Gaza Border 

Thousands of Palestinians Riot on Gaza Border 

Thousands of Palestinians Riot on Gaza Border 
Photo by Elior Cohen/TPS on May 14, 2018 Alertness on the border of Gaza and Israel Alertness on the border between Gaza and Israel as thousands of Palestinian rioters disrupting the order. Gaza, Apr 13, 2018. Photo by Elior Cohen/TPS

Thousands of Palestinians Riot on Gaza Border

Written by Yona Schnitzer/TPS on June 08, 2018


Some 10,000 Palestinians converged at five separate points along the Gaza border Friday in violent demonstrations.  IDF forces have been employing riot control tactics, with protesters igniting tires and rolling them in the soldiers’ direction, as well as throwing stones.

A hand grenade and a pipe bomb were also thrown at IDF forces, as well as a kite carrying explosives, which detonated in mid-air.

An Israeli soldier was wounded by a friendly fire bullet ricochet, and was evacuated to Soroka Medical Center with injuries to his neck and face.

According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, 47 Palestinians have been wounded by IDF bullet fire. Five were reported to be in serious condition.

Fires caused by molotov kites have set ablaze several fields in the Gaza Belt region.

On Thursday, IDF Jets dropped flyers on Gaza Thursday, warning citizens not to attempt to storm or damage the border fence on Friday, when Palestinians are planning mass protests.

Protests had been originally planned for Tuesday, June 5,  the anniversary of Israel’s victory in the Six Day War, which the Palestinians mark as the Naksa (setback), however, according to reports, Hamas decided to switch the events to Friday, when Iran holds its annual Quds Day event, held since 1979 on the last day of Ramadan in support of the Palestinians.

“Citizens of Gaza, peace be unto you, may you have a blessed month of Ramadan,” the flyer opened, “a wise man is one who takes into account the consequences of his actions in advance and chooses the deed in which the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.”

The IDF warned protesters not to take part in violent riots or to try and cross the border. “Do not to let Hamas use you as pawns for its narrow interests, behind which stands Shiite Iran that has set a goal of igniting the region for its religious and ethnic interests,” the flyer read.

“You should not allow Hamas to turn you into a hostage, so that they gain political capital at the expense of the welfare and future of Gaza’s citizens in general and the young people in particular. To prevent harmful consequences – we urge you not to take part in the riots and the anarchy and not to put yourself in harm’s way,” the flyer concluded.

Over the past two months, Palestinians have held weekly violent demonstrations along the   border with Israel. At least 100 rioters have been killed and thousands injured in the protests. On May 14, 35,000 Gazans marched on the border to protest the United States Embassy move to Jerusalem, as well as to commemorate the Palestinian Nakba (tragedy) day, the term for the establishment of the State of Israel, which fell on the next day. Over 60 people were killed, and 1,100 more injured. Hamas later admitted that of those killed, 52 belonged to the terrorist organization.


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