Home News Israel Two Injured in Shooting Attack Near Damascus Gate

Two Injured in Shooting Attack Near Damascus Gate

Two Injured in Shooting Attack Near Damascus Gate

Two Injured in Shooting Attack Near Damascus Gate

Written by Michael Zeff/TPS on March 08, 2016

Jerusalem (TPS) – An Israeli police patrol came under automatic gunfire on Salah Ad-Din street near the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem shortly after 5:00 PM.

“A single terrorist opened fire at a routine patrol on Salah Ad-Din street. He injured one policeman and attempted to flee. During the pursuit, the terrorist opened fire again, injuring another policeman before being neutralized by the policemen pursuing him. The attacker was armed with a Carl Gustav sub-machine gun,” stated a Jerusalem District Police spokesperson.

According to Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics who arrived at the scene, the first victim, a 49-year old male, sustained critical gunshot wounds and was resuscitated on the street before being evacuated while unconscious to the Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital in Jerusalem.

The second victim, a 31-year-old male, sustained moderate gunshot wounds and was also transported while fully conscious to Hadassah Hospital after receiving life-saving treatment from MDA paramedics.

According to Hadassah Hospital Spokeswoman Hadar Elboim, the 49-year-old victim is still unconscious and in critical condition. “The 49-year-old police officer’s life is hanging by a thread and the Hadassah medical staff is fighting for the victim’s life,” said Elboim.

According to the Jerusalem District Police spokesperson, the terrorist died after succumbing to his wounds.

The Damascus Gate area is a hot-spot for terrorist attacks on police forces and Jewish civilians and is considered a very sensitive area of the city. The attack took place just a short distance from where US Vice President Joe Biden is currently staying on a visit to Israel.

Alexander J. Apfel contributed to this report. 


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