Multiple people badly hurt, several apparent lynchings; overnight curfew in Lod repeatedly broken. Violence in other cities.
The curfew in the city was immediately broken as Arabs clashed with police.
A curfew and a state of emergency was declared in the city of Lod, which has been the scene of Arab riots the last two nights. However, that did not stop disturbances from breaking out on Wednesday night.
The curfew began at 8:00 p.m. and is in force until 4:00 a.m. But Arabs came out in force, throwing rocks and stun grenades while clashing with police. Lod, a crime-ridden city due to Arab gangs, is awash in illegal guns and fears have been expressed that the clashes may turn into something still more deadly.
A fight broke out between Arabs and Jews, which was quickly broken up by Israeli security forces. Jews from outside the city have been streaming into the city, angered by the scenes of Arabs running riot and attacking Jews. The arrival of Jews from other parts of the country have raised fears of more clashes.
Jews have expressed anger at the failure of police to contain the riots. Earlier on Wednesday, demonstrators gathered to protest at the Lod District Court, which rejected an appeal to release a Jewish suspect in the shooting of an Arab rioter overnight Monday.
Because of the clashes, train service to Lod has been halted.
Violence in other cities has been reported. In Acre, a Jewish man in his 30s was nearly lynched by an Arab mob on Wednesday night. He’s listed in serious condition, anesthetized and intubated in hospital. Jews marching in the city, the scene of riots on Tuesday night, were also attacked by Arabs on Wednesday night.
In Bat Yam, Jews attacked a driver who they believed was an Arab. He was beaten on live TV as Israeli viewers were treated to the shocking site of a man lying senseless on the street receiving punches next to his car, which had struck another vehicle. A participant said that the driver tried to ram them.
(World Israel News).