Home Featured US Health Authorities Turn To Israeli Universal Flu Vaccine Maker To Ward Off Next Influenza Outbreak

US Health Authorities Turn To Israeli Universal Flu Vaccine Maker To Ward Off Next Influenza Outbreak

US Health Authorities Turn To Israeli Universal Flu Vaccine Maker To Ward Off Next Influenza Outbreak

US Health Authorities Turn To Israeli Universal Flu Vaccine Maker To Ward Off Next Influenza Outbreak

By Viva Sarah Press, NoCamels May 08, 2018
This article was re-published with permission from NoCamels.com – Israeli Innovation News.

Renewed urgency for a better flu vaccine has again hit the headlines, as health officials in the United States sum up the outgoing flu season’s death toll and warn of possible future pandemics.

Hoping to keep the next possible influenza epidemic at bay, the National Institutes of Health this week announced its new Phase 2 clinical trial of investigational universal influenza vaccine — the M-001 vaccine candidate, developed and produced by BiondVax Pharmaceuticals based in Ness Ziona – which it hopes will prove protective against multiple strains of the virus.

“The 2017-2018 influenza season in the United States was among the worst of the last decade and serves as a reminder of the urgent need for a more effective and broadly protective influenza vaccine,” National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Anthony S. Fauci, said in a May 4 statement.

Likewise, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Lucy and Larry Page recently announced a $12 million investment to push scientists toward finding a game-changing solution to end the threat from both seasonal and pandemic influenza.

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