Home News Israel US Marine Corps Successfully Tests Iron Dome-Based Defense System

US Marine Corps Successfully Tests Iron Dome-Based Defense System

US Marine Corps Successfully Tests Iron Dome-Based Defense System
Photo by Admin on 17 July, 2022
 By TPS • 18 July, 2022

Jerusalem, 18 July, 2022 (TPS) — The US Marine Corps recently successfully tested an Iron Dome-based air defense prototype, the latest success for the Israeli-developed anti-rocket defense system.

The Marine Corps’ Medium-Range Intercept Capability (MRIC) prototype successfully hit several simultaneously-launched cruise missile representative targets from different directions and in different trajectories during the live-fire test at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.

The MRIC prototype utilizes the USMC Gator radar and the CAC2S battle management system along with Iron Dome Tamir Interceptor and launcher to create an air defense system tailored to existing USMC assets and expeditionary requirements.

Moshe Patel, Head of the Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) at the Ministry of Defense, stated Monday that “this test has proven the Iron Dome Tamir Interceptor and associated ground components can be integrated quickly and efficiently in any relevant defense architecture and intercept various aerial threats successfully in complex and advanced scenarios.”

Brigadier General (Res.) Pinhas Yungman, Executive Vice President and General Manager of the RAFAEL Air & Missile Defense Division, said that “once again, the Iron Dome has proven its effectiveness and operational capabilities in combat scenarios. As part of the US Army’s operational training, American troops operated the system which functioned at optimal effectiveness against a variety of threats and intercepted targets from different ranges.”

The Tamir interceptor has been proven to be effective in intercepting cruise missiles, rockets, artillery, and mortar threats.

The IMDO in the Directorate of Defense Research and Development leads the development of the State of Israel’s multi-tiered missile and air defense array, based on four operational defense layers: the Iron Dome for short-range threats, David’s Sling for mid-range attacks, and the Arrow 2 and Arrow 3 for long-range missiles.


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