Home Featured VIDEO: A Team Orchestra Feat. Pumpidisa – Yishtabach Shemo

VIDEO: A Team Orchestra Feat. Pumpidisa – Yishtabach Shemo

VIDEO: A Team Orchestra Feat. Pumpidisa – Yishtabach Shemo

Music was always something we connected with, going back to when we were younger. Tzvi Levin of Pumpidisa befriended Yitzy Schwartz of The A Team 15+ years ago Upstate NY. As teenagers we spent our summers in the Catskill Mountains. This was the most exciting time of year where we would spend long nights together playing music in various abandoned locations such as the Raleigh Hotel concert hall, Reservoirs, Forests and under the famous 4 Corners Bridge down by the waterfall.

This song was performed at the Scheiner Sheva Brachos. We felt it would be appropriate, whereas Mr. Scheiner has been an integral part of the Hachnasos Orchim in Ukraine by Reb Nachman of Uman.

This song was composed by Shlomo Ettlinger CPA who has been a humble follower of the Breslov path for close to 15 years. The Middle Eastern scale is perhaps influenced by living many years in the Old City, Jerusalem.


Produced by: A Team & Pumpidisa
Composed by: Shlomo Ettlinger
Arranged by: Avremi G
Post Production Ruli Ezrach i- Ruli Loops
Mixed by: V Gold Beat Productions
Video: Ben Hesh Studios/ Engel Studios
Stage Manager: Motty Jay

Enjoy! Let us know what you think in the comment section below!

The A Team is an elite group of musicians, and technical sound engineers who work together to create that magical result for clients that appreciate the value of great music and superior production and sound quality! In addition the A Team core band, The A Team also offers a full service production team made up of world class Musicians, sound engineers, sound companies, video, and a full service post production team.

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Source: The Yeshiva World


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