Zvi Zilberberg is an upcoming star in the jewish music industry. He currently lives in Borough Park, established himself as a successful singer at weddings, has performed at Simchas Beis Hashoeva together with Avraham Fried and at the Lag B’omer Bonfire in front of thousands of people.
He is the proprietor of Silversonic Recording Studios were some of the best performers have recorded their work; Shira choir, Yedidim, Chabad Kapelia, Pirchei Shir V’shevach, Sruly Werdyger, Mendy Werdyger, Motti Steinmitz and more.
In anticipation of his first album which will be released IY”H closer
to shavuos, he is releasing his first single B’Shirei Dovid, composed by Meshulam Greenberger, vocals lead by Pinchas Bichler of the Malchus Choir, and Avi Tal on the arrangements & musical production. This song expresses his praise to Hakadosh Baruch Hu.
Additional songs on the new album, also speak about praising Hashem composed by Baruch Shapiro from Borough Park. The arrangements were done by Avi Tal & Yehuda Glili.
“As I sold Meshulam’s compositions in the last 15 years I always hoped that no singer would use that song, as i felt very connected to the exciting composition and words. The moment I started working on this album I immediately requested to acquire this song and by doing so my
dreams were fulfilled” Zvi said. Music fans who had an opportunity to listen to this song agree without a doubt that this is the next hit.