Home Featured David Friedman, Lindsey Graham tour Hamas terror tunnel

David Friedman, Lindsey Graham tour Hamas terror tunnel

David Friedman, Lindsey Graham tour Hamas terror tunnel
Lindsey Graham and David Friedman in Hamas terror tunnel

US Ambassador joins Senator Lindsey Graham in Hamas terror tunnel along Israeli border with Gaza.   


US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman joined Senator Lindsey Graham (R.-South Carolina) on a tour of a Hamas terror tunnel along the Israel-Gaza border Sunday, as part of his visit to the Jewish state.

Both Graham and Friedman uploaded photographs from their tour of the tunnel, which was discovered by the IDF in its efforts to neutralize the Hamas terror organization’s ability to conduct cross-border attacks and to transfer weapons, equipment, and terrorists inside of the Gaza Strip.

The two were accompanied by IDF Brigadier General Eliezer Toledano, the commander of Israel’s Gaza division. IDF southern command chief Major General Herzi Halevi briefed Friedman and Graham during their trip to the Gaza border area.

“With @LindseyGrahamSC today touring a Gaza terror tunnel,” tweeted Friedman Sunday afternoon. “Cost of tunnel = cost of 2 new schools = cost of 30 new homes. #Hamas consistently makes the wrong choices for the people of #Gaza. Heartbreaking.”

Graham responded shortly afterwards, writing “With @USAmbIsrael David Friedman inspecting a Gaza tunnel. The tunnels have been used by groups like Hamas to smuggle weapons and terrorize Israeli citizens.”

The South Carolina senator, a noted supporter of Israel, is slated to meet with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Monday on the Golan Heights in northern Israel, as part of Netanyahu’s push to secure international backing for Israeli sovereignty over the strategic plateau.



Source: Israel National News



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