Home Featured Frum Woman Who Went To Bais Yaakov Is Leading Charge Against Russia’s Cyberattacks

Frum Woman Who Went To Bais Yaakov Is Leading Charge Against Russia’s Cyberattacks

Frum Woman Who Went To Bais Yaakov Is Leading Charge Against Russia’s Cyberattacks

Just hours before Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Microsoft’s Threat Intelligence Center warning of a new kind of malware that was targeting Ukraine’s government ministries.

Microsoft then contacted the White House’s deputy national security advisor for cyber- and emerging technologies. Her name? Chani (Anne) Neuberger, a shomer shabbos woman.

Mrs. Neuberger asked Microsoft to share details of the malware’s code so that the Defense Department and other allies of Ukraine in Europe would be ready for it to attack, the New York Times reports.

And thus, through the mediation of Mrs. Neuberger, Microsoft began a global campaign to protect countries across the world from a suspected Russian cyberattack.

Mrs. Neuberger has been put at the helm of the Cybersecurity Directorate, a unit created last year that will “unify NSA’s foreign intelligence and cyberdefense missions and is charged with preventing and eradicating threats to National Security Systems and the Defense Industrial Base.”

Russia has long been launching cyberattacks against Western countries. Now, private companies like Microsoft are taking leading positions in fighting back. And they’re doing it with the help of Mrs. Chaya Neuberger, a shomer shabbos woman, originally from from Borough Park.

Anne (Chani) Neuberger grew up in Boro Park, and went to Bais Yaakov of Boro Park. She lives in Baltimore.



(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


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