Composed by Shmueli (http://shmuelimusic.com)
Vocals by Shmueli
Lyrics by J. Schwartz, Rabbi Ouriel Hazan, S. Wax, and Shmueli
Produced, Engineered and Instruments performed by Sam Glaser
Recorded at Glaser Music Works , LA, CA
Video Editor- David M. Gleason
Special Thanks to Daniel Sultan for video concept.
On Thursday night, the 15th of Sivan (June 12, 2014), teenage Yeshiva students Naftali Frenkel, Gil-Ad Sha’ar, Eyal Yifrach were abducted by Palestinian Terrorists after trying to make their way home. The pain that their parents are experiencing is unimaginable, and as the Jewish nation- we come together to also feel their pain. This is a time to unite with each other, pray and improve oneself. Whether it means to study Torah, pray, or do another good deed, our intentions should be that what we do should bring salvation to the teenagers, their family, and collectively Am Yisrael.