Home News Israel Muslims Riots for 3rd Night in Jerusalem, 4 Arrested

Muslims Riots for 3rd Night in Jerusalem, 4 Arrested

Muslims Riots for 3rd Night in Jerusalem, 4 Arrested
Muslims gathered at Damascus (Nablus) Gate in Jerusalem during the breaking of the daytime Ramadan fast and started to riot and attack violently Israeli policemen who arrived to secure the area. Jerusalem. Apr 3, 2022. Photo by Shalev Shalom/TPS
By Aryeh Savir/TPS • 29 September, 2022

Jerusalem, 29 September, 2022 (TPS) — Muslims rioted in Jerusalem for the third consecutive night, the result of incitement by the Hamas terror organization and the Palestinian Authority who are alleging that the Jews are harming the Temple Mount.

The Israel Police confronted the rioters and arrested four suspects in eastern Jerusalem who threw stones in two different locations at the forces.

In Wadi Joz, detectives from the Shalem station of the Jerusalem district arrested 2 suspects aged 22, 18 while they were throwing stones at the security forces. The suspects were arrested and transferred to the police for questioning.

In addition, operatives of an undercover unit arrested two suspects who were involved in a disturbance that included throwing stones and shooting fireworks at the police. There are no casualties or damage at the site.

The rest of the rioters were repelled and dispersed using means to disperse rioters.

Police forces also operated in Issawiya to maintain public order.

“The Israel Police will continue to act with determination and zero tolerance towards violence of any kind, violation of public order and any attempt to harm the police forces or civilians,” it stated.

The riots began Monday night as Israel celebrated Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

Muslim clerics are claiming that Israel is attempting to “Judaize” the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem, inciting violence and calling for the “defense” of the Temple Mount.

Israel’s security system is on high alert as it fears a wave of terrorism during the Jewish High Holidays.

Israel’s security establishment held earlier this month an assessment regarding the security preparations for the upcoming High Holidays. In the discussion, Prime Minister Yair Lapid was presented with about 70 concrete warnings of plans by terror organizations to carry out terrorist attacks in Israel during the holidays. The security system has registered a record number of alerts for attempted attacks in recent months, which are only increasing ahead of the Tishrei holidays.

The police deployed about 20,000 officers all over the country, with a focus on Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria.



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