Nessah Synagogue to Host Congressman Ed Royce
By: Leora Dahan, Press Chair – Nessah Young Professionals
Beverly Hills, CA – On September 5th, 2015, Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and U.S. Representative, Ed Royce (R), will address the Jewish community during Shabbat morning services at Nessah Synagogue. Recognized as a significant voice on Iran sanctions and as a leader in Congress on anti-terrorism finance, Royce will discuss the Iran deal and the role of the U.S. in the Middle East.
Elan Carr, a criminal gang prosecutor at the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, will introduce Ed Royce, whom he considers one of his heroes. Carr is also an Iraq war veteran who led services at Saddam Hussein’s former presidential palace, thereby earning him international media attention.
The Nessah Lecture Committee, headed by Simon P. Etehad Esq., President of Nessah, Nessah board member George Haroonian, and Mati Geula Cohen, Chairman of the Nessah Young Professionals (NYP), are organizing this event which will be held in Nessah Synagogue’s Shofet Hall, located at 142 S. Rexford Dr. Morning services begin at 9am, with the speech being held at approx. 11:30am. RSVP is kindly recommended at www.nessah.org, and all questions should be directed to NYP@Nessah.org .
During a July 2015 panel of Republican lawmakers, Congressman Ed Royce expressed his view on the Iran deal to members of the Obama administration: “This deal guts the sanctions web that is putting intense pressure on Iran. Virtually all economic, financial, and energy sanctions disappear. And where does all that money go? To the largest terror network on earth.” He named the deal “a cash bonanza, a boost to its international standing, and a lighted path toward nuclear weapons.”
In 2011, the Heritage Action for America ranked Ed Royce as California’s most effective conservative congressman.
“Congressman Ed Royce is a well-known and respected friend of the Beverly Hills Jewish community and we are honored to be hosting him to speak regarding these very important topics. We also have the great honor of having Elan Carr, a phenomenal Jewish leader and speaker and a mentor of mine, introduce the esteemed congressman. Through lectures such as these we seek to better engage our influential community with national and international conversations and seek to work together in order to shape the matters which mean the most to our local community and global Jewish community. The current conversation regarding the Iran Deal is especially important to our community as we are the largest Iranian Jewish Orthodox Synagogue in the United States and therefore we have a responsibility to be informed and proactively raise our voice on these issues.” – Mati Geula Cohen
About Nessah:
Nessah Synaogogue, founded by Rabbi David Shofet and the Iranian Jews of, Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, upholds the traditions and customs of Iranian Jews according to Orthodox, Sephardic Halacha. Coming together to form a vibrant community, participating in holy days, festivals and Torah study, as well as many social and educational programs, Nessah is the “home away from home” for Iranian Jews and with open arms, welcomes all Jews.
About the Nessah Young Professionals (NYP):
Fosters leadership and fuels passionate Jewish identity in the hearts of future generations through educational seminars and social events. Our goal is to unite the young Jewish community, and to bring them closer to their Jewish roots. NYP is dedicated to empowering young Jewish professionals of all ages, and being the community leader of significant and substantial seminars and social events.
About the Nessah Lecture Committee:
Serves to enrich the Greater Los Angeles Jewish community by brining prominent guest lecturers, educators and Rabbis who share and perpetuate our mission of creating, enhancing, and sustaining a learning environment that brings our community closer to Judaism and Zionism. Through our visiting speakers, we strive to provide unique and mentally stimulating experiences that will nourish and inspire the heart, mind, and soul of each member of our community.