Proper Conduct Behind Closed Doors for Chassanim and Married Men was a huge hit. Participants shared how this course quite literally revolutionized their approach in creating an Aidel, Happy and Chassidic marriage. We continue to hear of the positive impact the course is having on their lives.
Many people asked, “When are you offering this course for Kallahs and Married Women?”
In response to the growing demand and widespread interest, we are thrilled and excited to present:
This is a 4-part tele-seminar course taught by Rabbi Manis Friedman for Kallahs and Married Women of all ages and stages, moderated by Mrs. Miriam Lipskier.
Is this course for you?
Is this course for someone you know?
Course begins on Thursday, December 5 at 9pm NY time.
Please note: This course does not replace Kallah lessons.
Course outline:
Call #1 “Mashpia and Mekabel”
- What does it mean to be a man, a real man?
- What does it mean to be a woman?
- Be the woman in the house.
- What does your husband really need from you?
Call #2 “Intimacy is an art not an act”
- Physical relationships can either break or make a marriage.
- Physical relationships can either increase mutual respect or increase contempt.
- How do you know which one you’re doing?
- I know what I am not allowed to do…so what should I do?
Call #3 “Children”
- The affect of your Kavana on your children.
- The right and wrong way of making babies.
- Every time you’re together, you are affecting a Neshama somewhere.
- Responsible parenting begins before conception.
Call #4 “Q&A”
- Addressing questions that are submitted via an anonymous form.