Home News Israel PA Policeman Shoots and Wounds 3 IDF Soldiers North of Jerusalem

PA Policeman Shoots and Wounds 3 IDF Soldiers North of Jerusalem

PA Policeman Shoots and Wounds 3 IDF Soldiers North of Jerusalem
IDF Guard Post Hit in Shooting Attack near Beit El 31.10.16

PA Policeman Shoots and Wounds 3 IDF Soldiers North of Jerusalem

Written by Michael Bachner/TPS on October 31, 2016

A Palestinian Authority policeman fired shots towards Israeli soldiers on Monday evening near Ramallah and Beit El, north of Jerusalem. He was subsequently shot and killed.

“A terrorist arrived at the ‘Focus’ military post and fired shots towards IDF soldiers,” said the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit. “The force returned fire. Three soldiers were injured and taken to a hospital for treatment.”

One soldier was shot in the thigh and moderately injured. He was treated at the scene by Magen David Adom medics and taken to Hadassah Mount Scopus hospital in Jerusalem.

Two more soldiers were lightly wounded from shrapnel, one in the face and one in his limb. They were evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital in Jerusalem.

Forces pursued the terrorist, shot and killed him following the attack. Palestinian officials have confirmed that he was an officer in the Palestinian Authority police forces. He has been identified as 25-year-old Mohammed Turkeman from the town of Qabatiya near Jenin in Samaria.


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