Home News Israel President Trump at Yad Vashem: Never Again

President Trump at Yad Vashem: Never Again

President Trump at Yad Vashem: Never Again

President Trump at Yad Vashem: Never Again

Written by Andrew Friedman/TPS on May 23, 2017

US President Donald Trump said the State of Israel is a strong, a soaring monument” to the victims of the Holocaust, and added “millions of beautiful lives” were taken during history’s “darkest hour.”

“We are here at Yad Vashem to honor the memory of six million Jews who were sent to their deaths. Words can never describe the bottomless depth of that evil.

“It is our solemn duty to mourn every life that was so viciously taken,” Trump added.

Writing in the memorial guest book, First Lady Melanie Trump added, “It is a great honor to be here with all of my friends, so amazing + will NEVER FORGET!” she wrote next to her husband’s entry.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu added that the Holocaust emphasized a central lesson of Zion taught Jews that “Israel must always be able to defend itself,” and thanked Trump for his “strong stand for Israel and the Jewish people.”


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