Home News Los Angeles Rabbi Krinsky Visits Agoura Hills, California

Rabbi Krinsky Visits Agoura Hills, California

Rabbi Krinsky Visits Agoura Hills, California

Chabad of the Conejo hosted Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Chairman of Merkoz L’inyonei Chinuch, for a unique evening titled “The Lubavitcher Rebbe: Up Close and Personal”. In front of a packed standing room only crowd, Rabbi Krinsky was interviewed by Rabbi Moshe Bryski on the life of the Rebbe; his work as a Mazkir and the personal driver of the Rebbe for over 40 years; the early years of the Nesius; the Rebbetzin; the global initiatives of Chabad-Lubavitch and the special love and admiration the Rebbe had for the Shluchim.

“We’ve hosted hundreds upon hundreds of speakers over the years” said Rabbi Bryski, “but I do not recall an evening such as this. Over two hours and yet you could have heard a pin drop in the room.The personal stories about the Rebbe that Rabbi Krinsky shared were inspirational, at times emotional, uplifting, with a dose of humorous anecdotes – all delivered with a sense of humility and total selflessness when it came to his relationship with the Rebbe”.

When asked about his initial response to being named by Newsweek Magazine as the #1 most influential Rabbi in America, Rabbi Krinsky laughed and commented “Me?, most influential??!! Who do I influence? It was the Shluchim of the Rebbe that are and will always be the most influential Rabbis in America and the world. This is not about me, (and pointing to the Shluchim in the room he said) “it’s about them!”

Prior to the interview, Rabbi Krinsky met privately with a group of “Balei Battim” who have helped build the Conejo Valley into a thriving growing Jewish community. He thanked each one individually and personally and challenged them to continue their partnership with Chabad. He also toured the local mosdos and reviewed plans for Chabad of the Conejo’s Phase II of construction.

Rabbi Krinsky also visited the community of Yorba Linda on Sunday evening for a similar program.


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